... nothing is ordinary
CASM Cultural Garden
The CASM Koolbardi Bidi Cultural Garden celebrates the diversity of Mandurah's local flora and the traditional knowledge of the Noongar people.
Through community workshops, educational programs and self-guided walks, the garden provides visitors with a deeper appreciation of the rich history of Mandurah's community and the many uses of endemic species.
The garden contains almost sixty species of useful local plants, many that have significance to the Noongar people, and others that can be used today for contemporary bush cuisine, eco-dyeing and textile arts.
If you would like to know more about the garden and upcoming activities and workshops, please visit the Koolbardi Bidi page on the City of Mandurah website.
Location: 63 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah
(Behind Contemporary Art Spaces Mandurah)
Open hours: Wed-Sun, 10am-4pm